|history crapbox issue -8
|april - february 2019
@versus cubes<void
@hygge ceminaari<da jormas
@copper kaah-baah-yaah<dhs
@comb over<laxative effects
@decrunch promo (4k)<dreamweb
|rmb for info!
|If you want a packdisk
|subscription on physical
|disk: Just send an email
|to bifat at neoscientists
|dot org. Include your
|handle/group. It's free!
bifat's postal address:
<T. Mueller
<Jungstr. 2
<10247 Berlin
slash's postal address:
<johan elm
<tvillinggatan 4a
<431 43 molndal
|you can also catch
|slash/TEK on interwebs
|thanks to our donor:
|* zeg *
|for donating 2000 disks!
** crap box ** history ** the electronic knights *historical* pack series issue -8 * compiled and code by bifat * music ok3anos * gfx nero this disk is full to the last byte and brings you entertainment of the highest caliber! we're having an appointment with the mighty atari titans from dead hackers society... right on this very disk! not really a rant, and not related to this particular (rather commendable) issue: please test your stuff at least only once against a real OCS Amiga 500, you'd be surprised how much screen garbage is visible in real life... and you'd be surprised how many special compatibility flags I have added in the meantime! once again, your friendly host TEK prepares a cuddly bed for your sleazy productions and makes them appear flawless.... even though some haven't changed underwear for a while and were coded with a crowbar like it's 1990! no need to reveal names, I can see through the embarrassment of emulator coding and lack of testing, it happens to the best of us :-) more fun for me! * warp now!